Zackary Tileston


Mechanical Engineer

Like any other engineer, I spent my childhood taking apart toasters to see how they worked. That has never really changed, and today most of my free time is spent completing projects. From 3D printing to plumbing, I do it all. It would take me quite a while to list all of my hobbies. At the end of the day, you can sum up my personality in one sentence: I like to make stuff.                 

  • Birthday: December, 2000 
  • Website:
  • Phone: (916) 956-1638
  • City: Tucson, AZ 
  • Age: 22 
  • Degree: Bachelor of science in Mechanical Engineering (Current student)  
  • Email: 
  • Actively job-seeking: Looking for internship 


While the degree I am pursuing is mechanical engineering, my skill set encompeses multiple different kinds of engineering. If I have extensive experience with electronic repair, woodworking, power tools, CNC machining, 3D printing, plumbing, carpentry, computer coding, and more. I have so many skills because I am always willing to learn something new to finish a project. Heck, I tought myself how to run a LAMP stack server just to host this  website. 

CAD Modeling 100%
3D Printing 100%
Machining 75%
Electronics 80%
mechanical Repair 90%
Programming 55%



Zackary Tileston 

Dependable, and strategic. An experienced and proven servant leader, as well as a dedicated team member. Completes all tasks set before him. Self-motivated. Open minded and a true problem solver. Passion found in all things engineering design, and free time is spent completing projects. 


Bachelors of science in mechanical engineering

Excpected graduation in 2024 

The Univerity of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

As a mechanical engineering major, I have been able to further develop my skillset. Engineering, at its core, is problem solving. My course work has enhanced my ability to do so.                           

minor in additive manufacturing

Building upon my already extensive experience in 3D printing, this minor allows me to learn even more about my most passionate hobby. Courses range from additional CAD modeling experience to metal 3D printing.       

minor in Mathematics

I have always taken an interest in mathematics. Not just being good at math, but taking it up as a hobby. I enjoy watching extra lectures and edutainment content online. With this minor, I was able to take additional classes in niche mathmatical concepts.    

Professional Experience

Exhibit Technician

2023 - Present

Tucson Childrens' Museum, Tucson, AZ

  • Responsible for all museum exhibits, requiring on-site mechanical and electrical repairs
  • Developed and implemented scheduling system for routine preventative maintenance, enhancing operational efficiency of all facilities and minimizing legal liability
  • Manufactured multiple new exhibits and renovated existing ones to reduce obsolescence
  • Trusted with purchasing of equipment and material for facility maintenance

Pinsetter Mechanic

2022 - 2023

Triple Shift Entertainment, Tucson, AZ

  • Responsible for maintenance and upkeep of over 100 bowling pinsetters across 4 centers 
  • Created new system for tracking annual maintenance, ensuring all necessary repairs are made
  • Upkeep of all facilities, including plumbing, electrical, carpentry, and general repair
  • Completed annual maintenance items, resulting in less overall machine failures
  • Able to complete new repairs for the first time without supervision
  • Repaired countless specialized machines in emergency situations, minimizing downtime

Level 4 Associate

2019 - 2022

In and Out Burger, Tucson, AZ

  • Deployed leadership and team skills allowing me to be a critical team member
  • Promoted 5 times within 2 years due to proven initiative and drive
  • Strategic and able to adapt to constantly fluctuating demand of customers
  • Worked in managerial role in emergency situations, preventing any disruption in service

Project Portfolio

This is just a glimpse into my personal projects. While this section is still a work in progress, I hope to be able to host all of my completed works here. For 3D printing, some of the models I designed can be found on my printables page:

  • All
  • Mechanical
  • Electrical
  • Other


Please feel free to contact me at any time.        


Tuczon, Arizona

Call or text:

(916) 955-1638